
Dave's Mostly Mets Blog



By the way, for those who haven't seen it yet, the Spider-Man 2 base ad is pictured below. One question: Did anyone at MLB really think a fan in the stands or a fan watching on TV would be able to see this ad well enough to know what it was for? At best they would be able to see that there was something on the base but they would not be able to see what it said so they would not know it was a Spider-Man ad (unless they were told, of course). I'm sure Bud Selig had this in mind when pulling the plug on the base ad but keeping the rest of the promotion intact. "Let's give the fans a 'concession' on this crazy scheme we have to make a little more money by pulling out the most controversial but least recognizable ad in the promotion. They'll still have the on deck circle to look at and will see trailers on video screens all day long."

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